Productive Bees Wiki

Useful bees

Productive Bees Wiki

Here bee wiki soon

###Getting started

Productive Bees builds on top of vanilla bees. Some understanding of the vanilla system is assumed in this guide.

While travelling in the overworld, in addition to vanilla bees you’ll come across a range of new bees living in well hidden nests in different biomes around the overworld. These bees are solitary meaning they will not live in a hive. However, their genetics allow for breeding different types of bees, plus they look cool.

To get started, the first thing you need to find is a source of honey and honeycombs, since solitary bees do not produce any, a vanilla bee nest is your best option to get some honey bottles and honeycombs. The honey bottles are useful for crafting Bee Cages which make it much easier to transport bees to your home.

Once you’ve collected some honeycombs, build yourself an advanced beehive and an expansion box for your bees to live in. The advanced beehive allows you to look inside and keep an eye on your bees and what they produce. Unlike the vanilla beehive, the advanced one does not require any form of smoking for the bees to keep calm, there’s no need to put campfires near it for you to harvest safely.

With your basic honey production you can look into getting some actual resource bees. Use JEI to look up the breeding recipes, so you know which bees you need to find.

Some bees can only be found in other dimensions.